March 30, 2006

Third Conference of Social Entrepreneurs

Posted in csr, other groups and events at 11:13 pm by Aditi Sriram

The NYU Conference of Social Entrepreneurs:
Where Research and Practice Align will bring together entrepreneurs, scholars, and philanthropists to discuss the theoretical frameworks and practice based knowledge involved with the process of starting new social ventures.

By gathering the leading academic researchers and the top social innovators from around the world, this conference will forward our understanding of social entrepreneurship and help set the agenda for future inquiry in the field. Our convening will be a step toward securing creative partnerships and cross-national knowledge sharing that will broaden our understanding of social entrepreneurship.

The conference will be hosted by the NYU Stern School of Business from April 6-8, 2006 at The Kimmel Center at 60 Washington Square South.

Thursday evening will kick off the conference with an award cocktail reception to honor a leading social entrepreneur. Friday’s schedule will feature keynote speakers and panel discussions, and Saturday’s sessions will be targeted to academic researchers. Sessions will integrate researchers and practitioners for multi-faceted discussions on current topics in the field. We expect 300 attendees.

In conjunction with the conference this year, Stern’s student group, the Corporate Ethics & Social Enterprise Association is hosting a Career Fair on Friday, April 7 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. This fair will be an opportunity for top area CSR representatives, social ventures, socially responsible investing firms and non-profits to showcase their organizations and network with potential employees.

Conference Speakers include the following:
– Dr. William Magee, Operation Smile
– J. Gregory Dees, Duke Fuqua School of Business
– Diana Wells, Ashoka
– Paul Shoemaker, Social Venture Partners
– John Fullerton, Investors’ Circle
and many others

Click here for more information.

March 20, 2006

SSIR Again: The Tempered Radicals

Posted in articles, csr at 4:21 am by Aditi Sriram

Another Stanford Social Innovation Review article by Debra Meyerson entitled The Tempered Radicals: How employees push their companies–little by little–to be more socially responsible begins:

They are not heroic leaders of revolutionary action. They are under-the-radar rebels. They’re corporate employees but they’re also idealists. They believe their companies should be more socially responsible. And working in small ways from within corporate giants, they trigger big changes in how their companies do business.

Link (PDF).